Department Head: Leon Law
As Adopted by the Virginia Draft Horse Association, Inc. January 21, 1979:
- Pulling distance shall be (16.5) feet.
- Width of the pulling area shall be (20) feet.
- No more than (4) persons shall be allowed with each team.
- Drivers shall have the choice of either riding or walking. However, if walking, the driver must stay behind the doubletree.
- Drivers shall not be changed unless injury or sickness occurs. Changes are subject to approval by the judge.
- Three pulls shall be allowed for each weight.
- Drivers shall have three minutes to hook to the sled after being called to do so.
- Three succeeding attempts to hook to the sled shall constitute a pull.
- A pull shall be counted when the driver gives his horse the signal to pull.
- The team with the longest distance shall not return to pull until his distance is exceeded. At which time he shall return and pull immediately.
- If a tie occurs, the team with the second longest distance shall be placed above the others.
- Breakage of harness or equipment will constitute a pull with the distance being credited to the team. Five minutes shall be allowed for repair, with the team remaining in the pulling area.
- Hitching with cross tugs is prohibited.
- Teams may be tied together with check lines only.
- Bridles may be either open faced or with blinds. However, no change may be made after the contest starts.
- Mistreatment of animals will not be tolerated, team disqualification by the judge may occur for infraction.
- Any team too rank or excited that the judge feels may endanger other teams, drivers, or spectators, may be excused from the pulling area by the judge.
- Any team getting free from their handlers will be disqualified from the contest.
- Any team suspected of drug usage will be turned over to the Humane Society for disciplinary action.
- The judge’s decision will be final.
- All horses must have proof of a negative Coggins Test within (12) months.
- Only one (1) truck with horse trailer per team permitted to park on fairgrounds. Absolutely NO exceptions.
2VAC5-70-20. Testing requirements for horses exhibited at shows, fairs, or other exhibitions, or coming into contact with horses owned by others in Virginia. All horses assembled at a show, fair, race meet, or other such function, or participating in any activity on properties where horses belonging to different owners may come into contact with each other in Virginia, must be accompanied by a report of an official negative test for equine infectious anemia. The test shall be conducted by an approved laboratory on a sample taken by an accredited veterinarian or a State-Federal Regulatory Veterinarian within 365 days prior to such event or activity. The person in charge will ensure that a copy of the official negative test results accompanies each horse in the event or activity, and shall make such reports available for inspection by a representative of the State Veterinarian upon request. The person in charge shall exclude any horse which is not accompanied by a negative test report.